Sunday Educational Series Events
We have fallen in love with SUNDAY educations spending time discussing the range and spectrum of the cateory of spirits and amaro and we are now excited to get more specific about regions and individual categories, individually!
Sunday Sept 22nd
1pm to 3pm Spanish Vermouth Seminar at The Gin Room
We will be discussing the nuances and specifics of the Spanish vermouth making regions, Spanish drinking culture and the range of Spanish Vermouth!
Spanish Vermouths are built to be gorgeous enough to drink on their own and to be the perfect aperitivo to you summer hosting.
Join us to learn the depth of Spanish Vermouth
Seminar cost $25 Per Person
Includes All Tastings & Education & Salty Snacks
Salve Osteria Sunday Brunch is Served 10:30 to 2pm
Sunday Happy Hours
3pm - 5pm